Surf, Yoga & Writing Instruction for the Soul


Sunset at the beach

To inspire & empower others to find, follow
& build the life of their dreams
one day at a time

About Coyote Christina

Christina’s journey began in small town Iowa, growing up in a blue-collar family. Her intellectual prowess led her to Princeton University where she played Division I volleyball and basketball and earned a BA in Classical Archaeology. The majority of her studies entailed Classics and Art History – both of which she has a high affinity for to this day. Later (12 years after undergrad!), Christina returned to school, earning her JD from the University of South Carolina School of Law to pursue her interest in building a more sustainable world that cares for our earth instead of endlessly exploiting and denigrating the life-sustaining abilities of our Ocean, Earth Mother & Father Sky.

After law school and before starting work, Christina traveled for two months in the fall of 2009, exploring Greece, Italy and Turkey – a dream trip! Then, in March 2010, Christina started working as an Analyst at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO. While working FT at the lab, Christina completed a rough draft of her first book — To Kill A Coyote (TKC) — in AUG 2013 and decided to move back to Iowa in late DEC to be close to family and pursue her dream of being a writer and publishing TKC.

Christina self-published TKC in October 2016. In NOV 2020, Christina moved to South Carolina to pursue her life-long dream of living by the ocean and surfing. On January 23, 2021, Christina moved into a one-bedroom apartment 3.5 miles from Folly Beach in South Carolina – and considers this move the best decision of her life – TKCdreams come true, woohoo! : )

Christina Smith Larney
TKCdreams Founder

“I look forward to hearing from you and building a ‘TKCdreams’ team through learning, laughter and love.“

Christina’s Therapies


TKCdreams will be hosting 4 weekend retreats in 2025 focused on journaling as a way of healing from trauma & processing grief.

I have been journaling since my junior year of HS. Journaling has allowed me to become my own best friend over the years. Sometimes I write daily, more often it is weekly or monthly but it has always been a healthy outlet for processing my feelings and a gateway to tapping into my ‘muse’.

During law school when I was struggling with intense emotions as my marriage began to crumble away & I began to fall apart, I started writing poetic reflections as part of my journaling. I now refer to these writings as my ‘therapy poems’ as they helped me process many of my painful feelings in a healthy way.

A handful of these writings made their way into my first book, To Kill A Coyote (TKC), that I self published in 2016. I am currently working on finishing the initial draft of a second book that centers on animal guides and the inner journey from heartbreak to joy and I am also working on a poetry companion for TKC and a daily reflections book to heal, grow & thrive.


A daily asana practice can be the key to becoming fully present in the moment & coming home to our magnificent, skin-covered vessels.

‘My body, My home.’

I started practicing ‘yoga’ weekly in 2012 when I found a class that ‘spoke’ to me, or maybe it was my body that did the speaking, saying ‘Thank you, Thank you, Thank you’, as I was leaving class. This was a very clear message that asana practice was an activity I needed to continue. I had attended a couple classes prior w/out being impressed or ‘hooked’ but when I attended this class, I knew I had stumbled upon something much needed & very special.

In 2017-2018 I attended a 200-hr yoga teacher training due to my desire to teach others and I continue to hold space in my life for a consistent asana practice ~4 times/wk.

A consistent asana practice has provided a deep connection with my body & soul. I often find myself crying during my practice these days and I’m grateful to be releasing more of the grief that has been stored in my body for so many years.


Living by the ocean and surfing is a dream come true. Surfing has become a way of life for me and I would love to share my passion for surfing w/ you!

I go to the beach pretty much every day and get on the water as much as I can — sometimes 1-2/wk, sometimes every day.

I am filled with so much gratitude for the life I am living. I am not always happy or go lucky and I still struggle at times with the ‘Laistrygonians‘ that I brought along inside my soul, but I have never felt more at peace or more joyful (on my good days!) than I do right now.

I am living the life of my dreams and building the life of my dreams. There are times when the world and life do not ‘make sense’ but with surfing it doesn’t need to make sense, or at least one thing makes sense — surfing!

When I go out on the water with my board all I need to do is wait for the universe to provide & then do my part to catch the waves that are sent my way.

To learn more about my surfing adventures and my surf board collection, check out my surf blog.

Ready to build the life of your dreams?

We would love to be a part of your journey.

Contact us to learn more about our offerings. We are always happy to tailor lessons to suit your interests and needs.