Surf, Yoga & Writing Practice for the Soul


Category: Heal

  • When the Sun Comes ‘Round

    When the Sun Comes ‘Round

    The summer solstice & June’s full moon have come and gone. Time to settle into the heat of summer and find balance in our lives, allowing us to connect with our inner world and manifest our greatest heart’s desires in the outer world. At times the heat of summer can feel heavy, oppressive. We may…

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  • Magical, Mythical Map

    Magical, Mythical Map

    I’ve been captivated by the ‘mythical’ since I can remember. I wrote my first research paper about Greek Mythology in sixth grade (and yes, it was handwritten in cursive & I still have it to this day along with a leaf collection from my HS days in the late 80s). I choose to view life…

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