Surf, Yoga & Writing Instruction for the Soul


Intro to Chakras & Animal Guides

Personal Resources to Heal, Grow & Thrive

This 8-wk, online course teaches about the body’s energy centers and our connection to nature through the wisdom of animal ‘medicine’ that seeks to connect us to all living beings through observation and inner reflection. Chakras (an ancient way to describe the body’s energy centers) & Animal Guides (as presented in the book Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams & David Carson) are great resources to both better understand our body’s energy and how it can be affected during childhood development and beyond as well as to gain wisdom about our place in the world by contemplating nature and our four-legged, finned & winged brothers & sisters.


This 8-week, online course runs once/wk with a ‘live’ instructor, up to 12 attendees (camera must be on for class discussions) and will require about an hour of preparation each week. Class will begin with a short meditation or breathing practice (3-5 mins) followed by a short presentation/lecture (10-15mins) and then a class discussion for ~30 minutes. We will close each class with an asana pose or two that helps to balance the discussed chakra or that aligns with the energy of an animal ‘guide’ that we have discussed.

2024 Schedule:

  • 1 class/wk for 8 weeks on Saturdays from 10-11am – starting 8/10, ending 9/28
  • WEEKEND INTENSIVE, Sat 9/14 from 12-5pm & Sun 9/15 from 12-3pm

All times listed are Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Make-up classes will be scheduled as needed on the weekend following the 3rd & 5th weeks of the course for anyone unable to attend a prior weekly class. or there is an intensive weekend course that can be completed in full on SAT 9/14 & SUN 9/15.

FEE: $200* for 8-wk course or weekend intensive (both include 8 hrs of class time live w/ Coyote Christina!)

*does not include suggested reading books – Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self by Anodea Judith and Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams & David Carson

Course Outline

CLASS 1 – Overview of the Chakras & Animal Guides

Overview of the Chakras 

Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self by Anodea Judith

Overview of Animal Guides & ‘Medicine’ 

Medicine Cards, by Jamie Sams & David Carson


Wrap Up — Chakra Meditation

CLASS 2 – Root Charka: Physical Identity (Earth, self preservation)

Reclaiming the Temple of the Body, 1st Chakra —Animal Guides: Turtle, Bear, Rabbit


Grounding Exercise

Wrap Up — Meditation &/or Breathing Exercise

CLASS 3 – Sacral Chakra: Emotional Identity (Water, self gratification)

Watery World of Emotions, 2nd Chakra — Animal Guides: Snake, Bat, Tiger/Horse


Wrap Up — 3-Part Breathing, Durga Pranayama & Relaxation Practice

CLASS 4 – Solar Plexus Chakra: Ego Identity (Fire, self identification)

Burning Our Way Into Power, 3rd Chakra — Animal Guides: Antelope, Mountain Lion, Elk, Dog


Wrap Up — Breathing Exercise

CLASS 5 – Heart Chakra: Social Identity (Air, self acceptance)

Self Compassion, 4th Chakra — Animal Guides: Deer, Prairie Dog, Porcupine, Humming Bird


Wrap Up — Breathing Exercise, Chakra Meditation

CLASS 6 – Throat Chakra: Creative Identity (Sound, self expression)

Finding One’s Voice, 5th Chakra  — Animal Guides:  Coyote, Alligator, Spider


Wrap Up — Breathing Exercise

Class 7 – Third-Eye Chakra: Archetypal Identity (Light, self reflection)

Seeing Our Way Through, 6th Chakra — Animal Guides: Blue Heron, Lynx, Whale


Wrap Up — Breathing Exercise & Meditation

CLASS 8 – Crown Chakra: Universal Identity (Thought, self knowledge)

Opening to the Great Mystery, 7th Chakra Animal Guides: Dragonfly, Black Panther, Salmon, Weasel 

some refer to this as the divine or a higher power or universal consciousness


Wrap Up — Breathing Exercise & Mountain Pose Meditation