Surf, Yoga & Writing Instruction for the Soul


Heartbreak2Joy Healing Path

Taking the Journey Together

Join us to begin to heal in community and get at least one step closer to reclaiming your birthright of joy by taking the inner journey that sooner or later leads to the ‘Shores of the Graces’.


In these online classes, we take a deep dive for each of the 5 stages of the journey from heartbreak to joy: Initiation, Realization, Relation, Transformation & Celebration. Each 5-wk course runs once/wk with a ‘live’ instructor, up to 12 students (camera must be on for class discussions) and requires about an hour of preparation each week. Class begins with a short meditation or breathing practice (3-5 mins) followed by a short presentation/lecture (10-15mins) and then a class discussion for ~30 minutes. We will close each class by both looking ‘back’ at the previous stage as well as ‘forward’ to the next stage to build our awareness of where our thoughts take us & practice bringing ourselves ‘back’ to the present moment so we are better able to show up for ourselves & others.

This is a great opportunity to process heartbreak &/or grief that your are experiencing or that you have been ‘carrying’ for years by sharing with, learning from and being supported by others who are experiencing the same feelings. Our experiences can be very different, but the feelings are often similar and relatable.

2024 Schedule:

Celebration Stage: WEEKEND INTENSIVE, Sat 12/7 from 12-3pm & Sun 12/8 from 12-2pm

2025 Schedule:

  • Initiation Stage: 1 class/wk for 5 weeks on Fridays from 12-1pm – starting 1/3/2025, ending 1/31/2025
  • Initiation Stage: 1 class/wk for 5 weeks on Saturdays from 10-11am – starting 1/4/2025, ending 2/1/2025
  • Initiation Stage: WEEKEND INTENSIVE, Sat 1/11/2025 from 12-3pm & Sun 1/12/2025 from 12-2pm
  • Realization Stage: 1 class/wk for 5 weeks on Fridays from 12-1pm – starting 2/21/2025, ending 3/21/2025
  • Realization Stage: 1 class/wk for 5 weeks on Saturdays from 10-11am – starting 2/22/2025, ending 3/22/2025
  • Realization Stage: WEEKEND INTENSIVE Sat 3/1/2025 from 12-3pm & Sun 3/2/2025 from 12-2pm
  • Relation Stage: WEEKEND INTENSIVE, Sat 4/5/2025 from 12-3pm & Sun 4/6/2025 from 12-2pm
  • Relation Stage: 1 class/wk for 5 weeks on Fridays from 12-1pm – starting 4/25/2025, ending 5/23/2025
  • Relation Stage: 1 class/wk for 5 weeks on Saturdays from 10-11am – starting 4/26/2025, ending 5/24/2025
  • Transformation Stage: 1 class/wk for 5 weeks on Fridays from 12-1pm – starting 5/30/2025, ending 6/27/2025
  • Transformation Stage: 1 class/wk for 5 weeks on Saturdays from 10-11am – starting 5/31/2025, ending 6/28/2025
  • Transformation Stage: WEEKEND INTENSIVE, Sat 6/7/2025 from 12-3pm & Sun 6/8/2025 from 12-2pm
  • Celebration Stage: 1 class/wk for 5 weeks on Fridays from 1-2pm – starting 6/20/2025, ending 7/18/2025
  • Celebration Stage: 1 class/wk for 5 weeks on Saturdays from 1-2pm – starting 6/21/2025, ending 7/19/2025
  • Celebration Stage: WEEKEND INTENSIVE, Sat 6/28/2025 from 12-3pm & Sun 6/29/2025 from 12-2pm

All times listed are Eastern Standard Time (EST)

You are welcome to join any segment that resonates with you as the classes for each stage are ‘stand alone’ for the most part & the healing path is not linear — the ‘preceding’ stage does not need to be studied/completed prior to exploring subsequent stages and healing, growth & generosity can be experienced at any stage.

There are 5 classes for each stage with a total of 25 classes in the Heartbreak2Joy Healing Path Online Course Series. These stages overlap and intertwine in a cyclical nature, similar to the seasons of mother earth as she spins and travels around the sun each year. Make-up classes will be scheduled as needed on the weekends following the 3rd & 5th weeks of the course for anyone unable to attend a prior weekly class.

FEE: $100**/5-class course or for each weekend intensive.

** price does not include suggested reading – To Kill A Coyote by C. Joyce – this memoir will guide us on the our healing journey


The In-Person, Heartbreak2Joy Workshop runs for 5 consecutive weeks on Thursdays from 6-8pm at the James Island Arts & Cultural Center in Charleston, SC.

Together we will embark upon the journey from heartbreak to joy in 5 stages: Initiation, Realization, Relation, Transformation & Celebration. There is one, 2-hr class for each stage of the journey. Classes begin with a 20-30 min discussion about the stage of the journey that corresponds to the week of the workshop with an opportunity for students to share favorite poems &/or quotes. By 6.30pm, work begins on an art piece that represents the feelings and thoughts students are experiencing or have experienced during this stage of the journey.

Students will have a choice each week of creating a collage, drawing with oil pastels or color pencils or painting. Guidance will be provided but this is not a traditional art class and does not include art instruction. Students are encouraged to use color, lines, shapes & other forms/symbols to visually depict an emotion or sensation by creating art at whatever level, in whatever way the student feels inclined — no judgment. Draw outside the lines, spell words incorrectly – break some rules!

At the end of the workshop, those wishing to have their art (all the pieces they have created or maybe just one or two) displayed in a community art show, will have that option. The main goal of the class is to support each person in being able to process their heartbreak through art in community and the culmination of the workshop will be to hold a public viewing of the works created that takes viewers on a journey from Heartbreak2Joy,

This class is for ages 10+, tears & laughter are encouraged!

TH eves:

  • April 4 – May 2: COMPLETED.
  • May 30 – June 27: COMPLETED.

FEE: $150 for the 5-wk Workshop* (10 hrs total class time, includes all art supplies & 2 people can ‘team up’ and work together on an art piece each wk for the same price); if you are unable to make all 5 classes you can purchase 4 of the 5 classes for $135 or 3 of the 5 classes for $105.

  • If you are not able to make a class, you can attend one during the next session