Surf, Yoga & Writing Practice for the Soul


Magical, Mythical Map

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I’ve been captivated by the ‘mythical’ since I can remember. I wrote my first research paper about Greek Mythology in sixth grade (and yes, it was handwritten in cursive & I still have it to this day along with a leaf collection from my HS days in the late 80s). I choose to view life as magical & mythical (on most days at least), and steer away from getting stuck in a rut and the ‘mundane’ of the everyday as much as possible. I’m a dreamer at heart and if you’re gonna dream, might as well dream BIG!

Maybe that is why I describe my journey from heartbreak to joy as ‘magical & mythical’ – it sounds much more appealing than ‘miserable & painful’. When we decide that we are fully responsible for our lives — hold ourselves ‘radically accountable’ — we get to choose what point of view we will have.

I can assure you that my journey from heartbreak to joy did not always feel magical or mythical. At times, it felt downright miserable but I did my best to hold tight to my dreams, refusing to conform to the voices in my head that told me to give up. Eventually, I landed upon the shores of the Graces where the joy I felt deepened, allowing me to experience even more magical & mythical moments.

My journey started in the depths where I struggled with darkness and depressive thoughts for two or three years while maintaining a pretty convincing โ€˜everything-is-fineโ€™ facade to the outer world. I found myself on the verge of an emotional breakdown weekly, sometimes daily, not knowing what was causing these dark, painful emotions.

I found myself wrapped in emotional pain and I had no idea how to stop it. Instead of running from these painful emotions, I began to question them. As I became more curious and less judgmental, I was able to begin to distance myself from these feelings and at first it seemed that I was both the experimenter as well as the experiment and I would wonder, “Who is this strange, emotional creature? Why is she so upset?”

This distancing allowed me to realize that while these emotions were a part of me, they didn’t necessarily define me and, in fact, the more knowledgeable I could become about these feelings and sensations, the more ability I would have not to be controlled by them or have them unwittingly directing my life.

Then when I learned about Animal Medicine, I began to think in terms of illusion and dreaming:

Are you the dreamer? Or are you the dreamed?

It has been a magical, mythical journey complete with ferocious and fantastical monsters, treacherous passages and arrival on the shores of the Graces.

I’m so excited that you are ‘here’ with me & I look forward to the opportunity to connect with you online or in person as we build the life of our dreams together!


Coyote Christina