Surf, Yoga & Writing Instruction for the Soul

Nature & Art

Get outside & get well

Aligning with Nature’s Rhythms

Join #TKCdreams at the beach for our nature events and enjoy some outdoor ocean ‘therapy’ for free!

We honor our Ocean, Earth Mother and Father Sky and begin to Heal, Grow & Thrive when we align ourselves with the rhythms of the natural world.

Our sunrise or sunset events, full moon and new moon celebrations or solstice and equinox gatherings, provide the opportunity to get to the beach (which you will never regret!), enjoy the gorgeous scenery & serenity, and soothe your soul in the salt air.

Join us to get inspired, nurture your soul and enjoy the healing powers of the ocean.

We are looking to partner w/ local organizations and practitioners to hold educational & fun outdoor events either at the beach or outside/at a park. In general, these events will start with a short breathing exercise or guided meditation followed by a 20-30 minute, educational presentation and or discussion about our connection with nature led by local advocates, professionals or healing arts practitioners. We are open to other formats with the goal of building community by facilitating conversations centered on nature, mental health and environmental stewardship.

An art show journey that guides the viewer from Heartbreak2Joy

TKCdreams is looking to curate an art show and would love to collaborate with local artists to find & create visual depictions of emotive states that reflect each stage of the inner journey. The art show would serve as a public space for processing grief where visitors can bring their personal heartbreak and walk through five rooms, viewing art work representative of the emotive states for each stage of the inner journey. Ideally, at the end of the show viewers will be at least one step closer to the celebration stage & reclaiming their birthright of joy.

Please contact us if you are interested in collaborating & creating a public space that taps into
the power of art to heal & transform lives.