Surf, Yoga & Writing Practice for the Soul


The Day U Decide, aka Your Lucky Day!

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I wrote the poem at the end of this post just over 10 months ago not knowing how my life would unfold, only knowing I was being called to become involved in the healing arts and mental health communities (& the photo above was taken on the day ‘I decided’ as well). I’m now confident enough to say, “I am working to change the world.” I was too scared I didn’t matter all that much, too scared of failing to dream too big, and that it would be too prideful to even think I could change the world let alone to speak it out loud.

Now I am certain I can change the world. At what level is yet to be determined. I might die trying but we’re all gonna die sooner or later so why not die building the life of our dreams? I know I can’t do it on my own – that is why I launched TKCdreams & I am working to find and support others who have a desire to heal, grow & thrive in community; to transform their own lives and build the life of their dreams, the life of our dreams — a ‘TKCdreams Team.’

‘To change the world, start with one step’ (borrowing from DMB). I’ve taken the first step, I’ve taken hundreds, thousands of steps to build the life I am living at present, cultivating a mindset of positivity & possibility grounded in planning & acting and doing my best to stop the wanting & wishing that kept me stuck in unhealthy ways of being & relating. I’m far from perfect, I still have bad days.

We all have our demons, we need to make friends with them at a certain level. I’ve learned not to fall into the melodrama of my emotions and to let them run their course ‘on the side’ or in the background but to stay the course, keep moving in the direction I want to go. Usually these dark feelings are fleeting and only visit maybe a day or two each month. Pretty sure my monthly hormone cycle lends itself to a demon or two popping up monthly.

The good news is that as I continue along my journey from heartbreak to joy and connect to the wisdom within, a ‘magical, mythical map’ materializes, leading me to the life of my dreams. Little by little at first. I feel like maybe an avalanche is coming, maybe a landslide. Will I be tested? Can I handle the ‘seasons of my life’ (borrowing from Stevie Nicks)? I feel stronger and more at peace than I ever have but at the same time I feel more vulnerable and there is still doubt and fear that comes and goes.

But I have decided and I have no desire to go back to a well-trodden path. I don’t mind starting a business from bare bones, I don’t mind being cut to the core. Both provide the opportunity to ‘sing back’ the world, my life without the lies.

Let’s do this – let’s build the world of our dreams together!

Lucky Day


The day I decided — it’s my lucky day!

I will no longer


my creative


I will no longer 


to be 


by a paycheck

by a world

that tells me

I am 

not enough


too much

I will create a new world

with others

with new ways of being

with new ways of relating

starting today

starting yesterday

I have been working on

this world

for over a decade

Building strength





Let’s do this together

Let’s become the peeps

we are meant

to be,

do the work

we were born

to do, 

and take time

to enjoy the beauty

of the 

natural world

Come along with me 



This is where 

we are supposed

to be

In communion

with other souls

Uplifting one another

Causing as little harm as possible

Loving as much as possible

So simple

but not easy

Let’s build the life of our dreams


Based on the belief that

‘You are me and I am you’

We are all connected and my fate is tied to yours

– C. Joyce

Namaste my friends. Shaka vibes & healing energy to all.