Surf, Yoga & Writing Practice for the Soul


When the Sun Comes ‘Round

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The summer solstice & June’s full moon have come and gone. Time to settle into the heat of summer and find balance in our lives, allowing us to connect with our inner world and manifest our greatest heart’s desires in the outer world. At times the heat of summer can feel heavy, oppressive. We may question why it seems so hard to build the life of our dreams, or ask, ‘Am I even on the right path’?

To find the answers, we may need to get still. Summer is a great time for ‘hibernation’ and tapping into Bear medicine – the power of introspection. Taking time to integrate the experiences of our inner and outer worlds is the first step in building the life of our dreams. When we carve out time to be still we are likely to discover a sweetness that flavors our lives with truth – a honey that comes from the hard work of getting really honest with ourselves and with others. We may get a bit sticky, ooey gooey as we dig into this soul work. We may be tempted to skip a summer hibernation, wait for winter, wait for a better time but once we realize that “to accomplish the goals and dreams that we carry, the art of introspection is necessary, (p57, Medicine Cards)”, we become still in the outer world.

With introspection comes integrity. We take the time to match our actions with our words and our words with our truth. And even when we find ourselves heartbroken, we find comfort in the fact that the sun will come ’round. It might shine in its own damn time (we don’t get to set the timeline for healing from heartbreak) but we know that it will shine again and our souls are uplifted.

We find ourselves inspired & empowered to find, follow & build the life of our dreams one day at a time. We discover that the power to ‘cambia el mundo’ starts with our willingness to open our hearts. “The greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self transformation (Lao Tzu)” and starting with a midsummer’s nap is not a bad idea.